Waking Up To An Awesome 2016

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This will be the beginning of another awesome year for me.

The images seen here are all very significant.

The building construction seemingly touching the sky as if wanting to be part of the heavens. But the total height it could reach would depend on how stable and firm the foundations are. Weather-proof our over-all structure from frame to every wall because every part of the building should be considered important. Similarly, what we allow inside as occupants would also spell the difference if we are to excel in our chosen fields.

The flying droid is part of technology that never ceases to advance. It also soars high but still controlled from below to signify that we can't really do everything on our own. We will always need some sort of guidance to help us navigate through life's ups and downs.

The sky has always been a never-ending destination towards the ever mysterious void we call space. It is a reflection of the reality that there are really no boundaries or limitations to what we can accomplish. But we will need a vessel to take us there. It is now up to us which form of vehicle we will ride.

2016 will be another epic year.

(It may be a leap year now but still the average number of days per year is 365 so I will still use 365 as my number of days)

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